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Software Utilities

Extra Byte offers community-oriented scientific software tools, presently focusing on NMR. They all work on 64-bit Windows machines. Installation is fast and simple. After the installation starts a 30-days trial period beyond which you must register in order to continue. A license key is released through email exchange that may include commercial negotiation and invoicing (unless the product is free).
Extra Byte products do not include any third part code subject to license and/or royalties.
Visit the individual product pages for more detailed description and download!

Catalogo DontSmile


A FREE utility that expertly removes from Bruker NMR spectra the annoying smileys/frownies artefacts due to receiver group delays. Use it to correct the FID or SER files, and then process them as you like, with any software you prefer.
The smileys will be gone!

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Catalogo REX


REX provides a complete software support for those who study NMR relaxometry in any of its forms. Complete coverage from FID analysis to discrete and continuous ILT of relaxation curves, to NMRD and/or VT profiles analysis. With our (free) help adapts to data from any vendor.

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Catalogo MnDOSY


Multi-nuclear DOSY utility. It does plain DOSY as you know it, but better resolved and faster! However, it allows you also to do synchronized DOSY with a pair of different nuclides, obviously on the same sample! Great help in sorting out mixtures.

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Catalogo TotalXMR


Quantitative NMR analysis of chemical elements with a calibration support for assays by either low-field or high-field NMR. Discrimination modes: none (plain total), solid/liquid, aromatic/aliphatic (where applicable), isotopic.

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