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We offer many resources which are FREE of charge

These include:

  • A large volume of databases, papers, talk slides, and educational tools. Browse the links in the left column and in the bottom of the page “Stan’s hub“.
  • We manage the Stan’s Library (ISSN 2421-1230), an open-access online e-zine with the pretention to become a STEM magazine. So far Stan’s Library was carrying mostly Stan’s own articles, posters and talks, but we are planning to open it up for other contributors. You will hear more about it soon.

Contractual third party collaborations

  • We develop technical & scientific software for third parties on a contractual basis (see the PARTNERS section). These may be Libraries as well as Applications, written in C++ (but other languages might be also considered).
    We might consider signing additional contracts, provided that they do not conflict with the existing ones, and that they can be planned on a reasonably long-term scale. Since we are presently running up to full capacity, we accept only large commitments justifying an incerement in the Company size.

Technical and scientific services

  • Consulting in all areas of Magnetic Resonance (NMR, MRI, ESR, NQR). Since we have over 50 years of experience, including design, production, sales, installation, and use of instruments, we can help you with any problem you might have, and we will do it willingly, to the best of our knowledge. You pay only if and when satisfied!
  • Expertize in legal litigations involving Magnetic Resonance. This may involve safety aspects of an installation or procedure, or else an instrument or a scanner not performing up to expectations.
  • Consulting on geothermal reservoirs software (T2Well, TOUGH2).
  • We love solving applied math problems. If you have one, let us have a GO on it. Should we fail, we would tell you why and not charge anything (yes, we know that unsolvable problems exist).

Products sold directly to end-users

  • We are offering selected advertizing estate for targeted banners on our resource pages on the Stan’s Hub web site. We are still working out the details, but should you be interested, drop us a note.
  • More will be coming: keep tracking this Section!